Unification Congress

Organizzazione Rivoluzionaria Anarchica-Unione Comunisti Anarchici Toscani

Cremona, 26-27 October 1985



The process of the Organization's development

The history of the ORA and the UCAT is the history of the progressive elaboration of an anarchist communist project which is autonomous from the rest of the anarchist movement, acting as an independent political entity.

This project goes through phases of convergence and unification and phases of divergence and separation.

The ORA-UCAT Congress of 26/27 October 1985 represents a positive evolution of this process.

The political proposals of all individuals, groups and organizations who wish to join this project or who are interested in it will be studied and developed, though our experience demonstrates that a policy of unification at all costs is usually unsuccessful.

With regard to its future development, the Organization addresses itself in particular to the world of labour and to various forms of collective opposition to capitalism and the culture of profit.

The ORA/UCAT believes that it maintains a strict relation between its theoretical and strategic positions on the one hand and its ability to intervene on the ground on the other, allowing its commissions and other bodies and its branches (in which all its members are grouped in through which they operate) to develop in a homogeneous way. This is essential for the building of an Anarchist Communist organization.

Therefore it is necessary to:

  1. allow the the unified Labour Commission to function effectively;
  2. organize a seminar on "Anarchist Communists & the Political Organization";
  3. unify other bodies in the Organization with any interested groups;
  4. define forms and means to organize an exchange of views with workers and the opposition movement;
  5. maintain a public presence during events involving the movements, with our own precise programme.



The Organization adopts as an update of the current economic phase the notes contained in "Bollettino Interno ORA/UCAT n°2".



Organizational Commission

The activity of the Organizational Commission should prioritize:

  1. carrying out a study on the activities of the membership in order to establish the current situation and stimulate new links and areas of intervention;
  2. effecting a unified financial statement to be approved by the Council of Delegates;
  3. drawing up a programme of publications and propaganda to be submitted to the Council of Delegates. In particular, proposals for a magazine should be studied and prepared;
  4. organizing internal education sessions for members and supporters.



Labour Commission

The ORA/UCAT considers class intervention to be the main focus for its political action. The Labour Commission is charged with analysing past and current processes of the restructuring of production, transformations in the composition of the class that these processes have created or are creating, the possibility of drawing interested social layers into the opposition to this process of redefining the role of the class.

It also has the task of analysing the role of the trade union, its structure and the behaviour of the movements, of the bodies that the working classes have given themselves and continue to do so, at times independently of the current trade union bodies, in order to establish the Organization's labour policies

The Bulletin For Labour Debate, an internal publication of the ORA/UCAT, will be the principal instrument for debate in this area. The Bulletin will also be made available to the members of other anarchist communist political organizations who wish to join the debate.

Definitive statements and documents produced by the ORA/UCAT Labour Commission will be published either in special publications or in the public part of the bulletin for labour debate, together with the more significant material produced by the political organization.

The Labour Commission adopts the following work plan:

  1. Analysis of the current political and labour phase
    1. contracts
    2. congresses
    3. the role of the trade union in the current phase
    4. the role of working-class manifestations outside and/or in opposition to the role of the trade union
  2. Instruments for class intervention
    1. analysis of trade union structures; our relationship with grassroots labour bodies, and middle-level or higher-level union management
    2. intermediate bodies
    3. the new organization of labour and employment
    4. the new social State (pensions, insurance, etc.)

Struggles & Community Commission

The activity of this commission, though limited, has evolved along three principal lines:

Based on this experience, the commission will need to be active continuously, following this programme of work for the period 1985-86:

  1. organization of the assembly of self-managed grassroots structures as a continuation of the seminar on "Anarchist Communists and grassroots structures". Such an assembly will require the drawing up of a document which contains some strategic reflections together with practical experiences;
  2. organization of a seminar on "The Green movement and the peace movement: strategic prospects". This task will focus on reflecting on both anarchist communist and other methods of intervention and should produce a strategic document which can be used to promote activity over the coming year;
  3. organize a 1986 Meeting or Festival in order to continue the work of the Anti-Clericalist Meeting of previous years, spreading into other areas, if possible, such as:

Depending on the possibilities offered by new members, other areas may be dealt with and developed.



With regard to the problems of Theory and Basic Strategy arising from Motion No.4/viii, mandate is given to the Organizational Commission to assemble all the unpublished material produced so far by both political organizations and to publish it in the Internal Bulletin.

A commission is to be created which will prepare a definitive text by the next Congress.

Congress invites the Council of Delegates to organize a Congress on General Tactics within the next six months.