Federazione dei comunisti anarchici

Cremona, 1-2 November 1986



Tactical action plan for FdCA members acting as FdCA members within their communities and in the world of labour, and for the FdCA as a political organization


The world of labour, but also all collective opposition to the capitalist restructuring and the culture of profit, is considered the main target of the organization's attention with regard to its development and action. The organization's tactics will therefore be based on the concrete possibilities for intervention in places where the organization maintains a presence and in matters such as:

On these matters - which will be developed through the various organization bodies - the possibility of creating local or national alliances with parties or organizations similar to or different from ours will be verified.

Our objective is therefore to leave the isolation we find ourselves in through a packet of proposals that will first and foremost allow the organization to grow, both through acquiring new members and through increasingly stable cooperation.

With regard to the anarchist movement, we will show greater willingness to be criticized or appreciated. With regard to the Partito Anarchico Italiano (Italian Anarchist Party - PAI) and the Federazione Comunista Libertaria Ligure (Ligurian Libertarian Communist Federation - FCLL), we will initiate a process of reciprocal examination of programmes through bilateral and trilateral meetings, workshops, speaker exchanges and conferences whose tactical objective is not unification within a year but the creation of a climate, of an anarchist communist network with a view to federation, that will be able to produce cultural and political advances.

The FdCA favours political action among the working class through the trade union, the structure which represents the current level of class consciousness of the class, but also pays special attention to all those manifestations of collective opposition to the current economic and social structure.

The organization's tactics in this area are based on the need to develop a greater presence throughout the country of anarchist communists in the world of labour, with the aim of widening and extending opposition within the unions to current union policies.

The excellent results obtained by our Florence comrades in their relations with Democrazia Consiliare need to be carefully evaluated.

Considering our efforts to build a democratic, class-struggle current within the CGIL, or at least the need to carve out a place among the "institutional" factions, it is important that we follow the fortunes of our comrades with Democrazia Consiliare, in order to be able to establish what real possibilities there are for us for the purposes of our general tactics.

Particular attention in this phase will be paid to the social movements (unemployed workers' groups, the anti-nuclear and anti-militarist movements, the housing movement, the demands for widening the scope of public services and social assistance).

It is essential that these objectives for struggle do not remain outside the world of labour and become common to the whole working class.

The opposition of industrial workers is a clear sign that it may be possible for a class movement to regain strength, based on solidarity, the struggle against capitalism, for more jobs, for higher wages, for better social services and living conditions.

The objectives for anarchist communists during the current phase are:

  1. to involve all workers who show signs of interest in this opposition project through work in grassroots union bodies and coordinating with class sectors both inside and outside the unions.
  2. To develop real class unity in the organizational structures and in strategy and tactics around a programme of opposition that attacks the reformist line.
  3. To rebuild real class unity through internal union democracy, alternative contractual objectives, the revival of bargaining at all levels and micro-combativeness.
  4. To re-launch the union of Councils, becoming promoters of an alternative that unifies the class with the objectives of full employment, real wage increases, the widening and improvement of social services and better conditions of life both in the factory and in the community.
  5. For anarchist communist militants to work within their unions for a reprise of the debate on the need to build or rebuild networks and organizations of unemployed workers and for these to become a stable part of the life, debates and decision-making organs of the unions themselves.
  6. Starting now until no later than the next Congress, the terms of our general relationship with Democrazia Consiliare should be verified, independent of branches' local tactics and therefore of the comrades who are members of the branches.

Anarchist communist militants involved in work in their communities should:

  1. take part, without using the name FdCA (in other words, risking being seen to carry the "party line" in the style of the Leninists) in common initiatives of the left with the aim of radicalising and extending the ecological movement. The aim of this movement should be to improve the quality of life and to encourage the masses to become more responsible with regard to their right and duty to make decisions and point out the risks and consequences of giving the political parties carte blanche;
  2. where conditions permit, promote more autonomous initiatives (if possible as FdCA branches) on the questions of religion, prisons and ecological cooperatives.

(approved unanimously)


Motion V