Federazione dei comunisti anarchici
Cremona, 19-20 June 2004
(approved at the 6th Congress of the FdCA - Cremona, 20 June 2004)
The 6th National Congress of the Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici was held in Cremona, Italy on 19th and 20th June 290904. There follows the final motion which was passed unanimously by the Congress. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Organisation Socialiste Libertaire (Switzerland) for personally bringing their greetings to the Congress, and to the Organización Libertaria Cimarron (Uruguay) and the Workers Solidarity Alliance of New York for their warm messages of support sent by e-mail. The motions and other documents approved by the Congress are already available in Italian on our website and will shortly be made available in other languages.
1. The Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici (Federation of Anarchist Communists - FdCA) is a specific organization of anarchist communist militants in Italy. Its political action is based in and directed towards the exploited classes in society and is characterized by:
- the class dimension - in other words, by acting inside the struggles, the FdCA puts itself along with those who are struggling and with the struggles themselves, within a materialistic analysis of the relationships of exploitation and power;
- the practice of direct action - in other words, the FdCA believes that class strength and the choice to struggle are rooted within the grassroots organizations, within the collective class consciousness expressed by those who struggle;
- the practice of self-organization - in other words, it is essential that those who struggle must be autonomous. We must ensure that any interests which are not part of the basic collective consciousness do not influence the direction of the struggle or try to impose a class of leaders on it.
2. The role of the Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici as a revolutionary anarchist communist political organization is therefore:
- to be a link between the class and the class consciousness;
- to influence its militant elements, in the continual search for the unity and homogeneity which are necessary if we are to see an alternative type of politics, to work out alternative strategies, to live the change and to live in the change;
- to act as a link between the anarchist programme and those involved in the class war, as one of the functions of anarchist communists is that of historical memory of the historical class interests of the proletariat, to work towards moving anarchism towards the heart of the class struggles and the actors in these struggles, to "demonstrate" that the anarchist project coincides with the struggles for equality and freedom;
- to act as a link between revolutionary anarchist gradualism and gradual conquests: a) in order to continue to win greater freedoms and autonomy within society; b) with anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian objectives.
3. The Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici therefore intends to develop its political action for
- the right to a social alternative and to experimentation;
- the struggle to increase and conquer room for participation by all, against social exclusion and against the the repression of the struggles;
- the labour struggle in favour of global social security (wages, rights, services, etc.);
- demands regarding the quality of life, habitat, consumption, international solidarity;
- the building of a leftist social fabric which can take strength from the practices and proposals through means which are for us coherent with the ends;
- the development of synergies within libertarian politics (co-ordination groups, networks, alliances, multiple and pluralistic poles).
4. In the short term, the Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici intends
- to contribute to the development and extension of the class-struggle movement of workers and to support all forms of self-organized struggle where the autonomy of the workers expresses itself in demands which cannot be compatible with "partnership" or with legislation which damages labour rights and freedoms, for the development of a conflictual form of syndicalism with libertarian practices;
- to contribute to the development and spread of radical movements against war, liberalism, exploitation and the commercialization of people and resources, the enslavement of women and men, sexual discrimination and patriarchy, by bringing to the struggles anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian practices and elements;
- to contribute (in ways and with the imput which characterizes anarchist communists) to the composite movement against the centre-right government, so that the defeat of the policies of the centre-right can be brought about by the people on the streets and in the workplace, not at the polls; it is equally essential that these policies be fought and defeated if and when, as is probable, a new centre-left government should continue them;
- to contribute to the development of the international class-struggle anarchist movement, supporting the ILS-SIL network and strengthening relationships with anarchist communist political organizations on the basis of political projects and the spread of anarchist communist theory and practices;
- to contribute to the development of a class-struggle libertarian front in Italy which can spread the anarchist social project.
Unanimously approved by the 6th Congress
Cremona, 20th June 2004